Local ministry background:
Jana comes from a religious family. During her teenage years, she decided to give her life to God and was baptized. She actively participates in the activities of her home congregation. For years, she worked as an assistant of the pastor of her congregation.

Since 2008, she has been cooperating with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). She has part-time lead HY programs of the spiritual heritage series and others. After some reflection and prayers, she decided to start working in schools “full-time” from September 2024, meaning to devote herself fully to the HY ministry to schools in her area.

After the programs, she offers subsequent personal interviews or counselling. She wants to provide young people with the opportunity to attend events and leisure-time activities organized and offered by her home church.

More about programs

How she became a HY Worker:
Jana has an extensive experience in leading the HY programs. For many years, she led programs at schools in parallel with her job. In 2024 a chance for a change occurred and Jana decided to devote herself fully to work with children and youth.

As she says: “For me, it is a big step into the unknown, a ‘step of faith’. There are few years to my retirement, but I want to do more and more what I feel called to do by God, where I perceive the meaning and mission of my life.
I wish pupils and students of local schools to start asking good questions and start looking for answers.”


Program topics and resource:
Jana works under the auspices of ICEJ and she cooperates with another HY ministry worker Radek Hejret.

The topics of programs she offers to schools are:
The Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Little Tom – the album for 3rd birthday
The Modern State of Israel – the inspiration for the Czech youth
The Bible – One of the Jewels of Our Culture
Meet Comenius
Minus to plus with Comenius